Wednesday, October 12, 2005

such a whirl...

well, first news, my hater has yet to speak to me still. but then again, it's not like i'm trying to track him down either. and that's all i have to say about that for now.

secondly...i love my new job! i still need a couple of user names and passwords to get to me so i can do actual work, and i need to update myself on dreamweaver...but it will come. the whole uncertainty thing is a little uncomfortable, but i love the people i work with and we have a lot of fun, and it's so nice and laidback down there.

on monday, a good friend of mine was in town with her new baby. in fact, we used to be roommates. well, she called up all the other roommates, and one even skipped the class we are in together to spend time with her and the baby at the mall with the rest of them. let's just say i didn't get a call. i didn't find out until i asked one of the roommates where the one who was supposed to be in class with us was...and she told me and she was like, didn't anyone call you? not that i would have missed class. but i would have appreciated a call. it's hard for me to think that NONE of them would have been like, "hmm, wonder if andi would like to go to the mall with us?" it really hurts. i don't know what to think about this. i'm just going to steer clear from them for awhile. until i can sort my feelings out about this.

and i didn't even do anything to far as i know anyway. i feel so forgotten.

tomorrow...i'm driving a bsu van to the cities for industry tours with the design guild! i love the bsu vans! i would never drive one regularly, but it's fun to drive them every now and then and feel like queen of the road. it'll be good fun. and i need to go shopping today to get a professional look for 2 days. i've got the pants, just need the correct tops...maybe a nice jacket or something? we'll see. i don't want to spend the money on it though if i don't need to...especially since my poor car should be done at the shop today! i miss it so much. the crap car the chrystler center gave me is really dragging me down. ugh. but, i've got to pay the price to get it, i need new tags on the car...that's a grand total of $400 to my car for the month. gross.

due monday...huge computer 3-d project due. crap. need me over the weekend? find me in the pc classroom at the superlab.

shopping today:
-new clinique foundation
-clothes for tomorrow and friday
-velum for 3-d comp project

maybe i should stop there....

ok...well, see you this weekend, if not tonight.

have a good one!

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