Wednesday, March 09, 2005

i'll tell you about my weekend if you tell me about yours

i'm going to make this quick because i want to go to bed...

so this last weekend i was in alexandria for a swim meet. i had two of my swimmers staying with me due to the fact that they wanted to go to the meet and they didn't have the money. no problem.

we had a great meet. everyone cut times! a coach's dream. it was so dang hot in there however i thought someone would pass out due to heat exhaustion. well, they did drag one swimmer out during the 1650 for what they are thinking is oxygen deprevation. we don't know.

and saturday night? it was napoleon dynamite night as the two girls (who brought me back to high school) decided to dress in their nerdest attire and half painted make-uped faces in horrible colors and walk around target.

i agreed to take them under one condition. stay away from me in the store.

all went well until checkout and they were right ON me. i thought i would dye as the cashier dude was checking me out (as in ringing up my items) o my.

it was good times though. augh...2 more days of swimming left!

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