Monday, January 30, 2006


i want to sit on the couch for the rest of the day, pop in a good movie (i'm thinking under the tuscan sun), eat taco johns and pizza and chicken fingers with honey mustard from quizno's and eat a heck of a lot of ice cream like i don't have a care in the world with how fat i could get and never do homework again.
distance relations

i hate how distance seems to destroy friendships. it's convenient to be a friend if that friend is right there with in reaching distance. however, they move away and that friendship fades to dust. it still exists in the form of we used to hang out all the time and now it's the person who i used to be really good friends with that now lives in ____ town. it's a sad happening.

what happens that makes us loose touch? i suspect that 2 different lives now take place. each person gets involved in new discoveries and the current is replaced with the new. i also suspect that some of it just has to do with natural human laziness.

i just wished that friends never went away. or that if they did, you would always have to stay connected...that there was no way to loose touch. but unfortunatly that happens...and i will admit to it being partly my fault. i think sometimes i need to step back from my crazy, hectic life and just enjoy life...because when i'm in crazy, hectic mode, when i get down time, i crash.

here's the start of a new week. wake up time: 6:30. good luck!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

rocked out

so the battle was fun. i always feel bad at the end of the night when all of our bands gave it their best but we can only give the band who had the most people there to vote for them the winning prize. because we had some really sweet bands there. it was a lot of fun...and now i'm spent. i've lost my voice, but i think it's slowly coming back. and i got to sleep in today!

so i was supposed to go out of town this weekend, but that fell through. looks like i'm staying here. but that's ok, because i'm with people who love me and that's all that matters.

here's something funny though: i had my brother pick me up from the bar last night and take me home. my car is still at slim's...filled with habitat battle of the band stuff.

well...i think i'm going to clean my room...or attempt to. i can't really do laundry as the washer is broken and i don't feel like going out to take care of the laundry so it's just going to sit there.

have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 27, 2006

i love it when you call your mom and she not only puts everything into perspective but makes it seem like the world is NOT out to get you.

boys are stupid...and i'm smiling now.

life will be better after tonight...BATTLE OF THE BANDS!

Thursday, January 26, 2006


i was looking sleepily at my clock last night at 10:30. in bed at 11, watched a gilmore girls episode and was out by midnight. wow i suck. and then i still had problems making it in to work at 9. hmmmm...

in other news, my big party, battle of the bands, is tomorrow night. BE THERE. it will be a good time. good music, good food, door prizes...and who knows what all might happen. and while your having fun, you'll also be raising money for habitat for humanity...who knew that fundraising could be this exciting?

i could go for a double choc flake frescata right now...why is there no costa coffee here? aparently they're going international...
it's true

Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking

You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.
You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.

You should major in:

Foreign language

i'll take art.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


so i'm trying to teach myself to stay up late again and get little sleep and wake up the next morning in time for class at 8 and STILL be able to make it through the day with out thinking about having a nap. we'll see if it works. tonight it looks like i'm going to make it to week 1? i included a picture from eurospring...that's me and our fat tire bike tour guide on our cruise down the seine river. that night, after the tour, we drank underneath the eiffel tour, missed the last metro and had to walk many miles through paris to get back to our hotel. i wasn't in bed until at least 3:30 that night and had to be on the bus at 8 that morning for our bus tour of paris. and that's how most of eurospring was. extremely late nights, extremely early mornings. and somehow i'm still living to tell the tale. i need to retrain!

fact is though, that if i am staying up this late i should be making an attempt to do my homework and not slopily put it together during my 2 hours of work tomorrow. not that i have much to do tomorrow anyway at work...wait. that's a lie.

i joined weightwatchers online over the weekend. i really forces me to make all of my foods and eat nothing but fruits and veggies...which i love anyway. but it's hard when the girls want to have supper with you on wednesday night and you have to plan out everything that you eat around that just can't come home and find something to eat that matches how many points you have left for the day. i told danielle that i had joined weightwatchers online today at the rec center and she commented on how skinny i was. i noticed tonight for once that i was looking skinner...when i sucked in my stomach. i still want the body i should have had when i was a swimmer...but is that something that i should want? i think its a goal that i could at least work towards. and at least it forces me to eat healthy. and i love that i can still eat fast food if i wish. we'll see how this goes for a month before i give up on it or not.

zerek and i were talking online tonight and i think he misses me. or maybe he misses zach. i don't know. he asked when i was coming home next...which would mean that i would have to bring zach home with me. i don't think he's ever gone this long without seeing zach. me...well, he's gone a couple months. because i'm so gosh darn busy.

but it's 12:31 right now. i've reached my goal for the night. it's bed time with a 7:30 am wake up call. nighters...

Monday, January 23, 2006

it's a new week

friday came last week...and now i'm sitting comfortably. i paid off a bunch of bills (though i still owe kt...), bought my books, and then splurged on a new bed spread, which is shown...except the yellowy color is actually a soft green. i'm liking the fact that i finally own grown up sheets. 400 thread count, egyptian cotton luxury sheets. i also bought a down feather mattress topper. and now that i got my country club pay check and won a $10 gift card from target at the xmas party last night, i'm going to go and buy the duvet for my down comforter. unfortunatly though, i put on my face crap at night because i had some minor breakouts and i ended up ruining some of the pillow cases. i'll still use them but it has me slightly pissed. they weren't cheap pillow cases! i also bought an online membership to weightwatchers. if i'm going on vacay to california this summer, i'm going to look good!

battle of the bands is this friday. i have a lot to do!!

and st. cloud this weekend? i'm hoping.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

friday please come!

i don't have the books so i can do the readings for tomorrow.

friday needs to get here a little sooner so i can go book shopping crazy!

financial aid friday is like christmas to me.
can i complain?

my stationary tube in my ear is inflammed from cold it feels like it's clogged. i try picking out whatever is in there...but nothing is in there. sudafed tonight.

reading homework sucks. nothing sticks and my mind keeps wandering.

i get tired at 9 o'clock nightly. 9 o'clock PEOPLE? why 9? i don't want to go to bed at 9...

our house is cooolllddd....

i have no money to pay utilities this week...and we need to pay them... i think i'm going to offer to pay the late fee as i will have a crap load of money this friday.

life isn't that bad...i just need to complain every now and then. friday...everything will be lovely.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

versace died

and he's still floating in the tank. i'll have to flush him one of these days. i'll buy a new fish next week.

classes are off and running and going pretty well so far. lots of stuff going on but i'm pretty excited for these high end projects.

my group and i need to make a historical kiosk (interactive at museums). on any type of historical person or event. any ideas? you should leave me a comment and let me know.

o wait...nevermind. we're doing steven spielberg. should be fun!

Monday, January 09, 2006

somethings missing

in the last couple of days, i've seen her. at the rec center. we ignore each other. we once passed each other on the stairs and we both barely, if even, looked at each other.

i was hoping that in my whole life that i wouldn't have to ever run into her again, but figures that i would run into her at the rec center. i don't think i could ever hate someone, but there is some hate that comes out of me when it comes to her.

she's my old co-coach from swimming. she once yelled at me and made me feel really degraded when i went to talk to her about getting some extra pool time for a swimmer. "No." she said rather loudly, "she only wants to try and get an a cut and she's not going to get it anyways." thanks for believing in your swimmers.

another time, at our end of the year banquet, i was just running over some things i think she should say to the group of swimmers and parents...just some things on my mind that i thought she should know, since she was talking. "you know, i do know what to say, i know what i am doing. i am older than you, you know." talk about punch to my stomach. and that's when i knew that that was what she had wrong with me....that's why she didn't like me. i was the younger coach...who just by chance actually knew what she was doing and happened to be stepping on her toes...but it's not like i was trying.

becky, the treasurer of the swim team, called me the other day to get my home zip code so she could mail me my w-2 forms for taxes. she invited me to lunch sometime. "i miss my college kids," she told me. i know she loved taking me under her wing. the parents loved me. i was much more personal than the other coaches they had experienced. after years of hearing my mom complain about our coach, i knew exactly what kind of coach the parents wanted.

i had way too much fun with the kids. we laughed at practice, we had fun days, we worked hard. one of my swimmers told me, "out of all my coaches, you were the one that worked me the hardest." it was the best compliment that i could receive as a coach. i had kids make state times, i had kids setting goals and working hard to make state times. they were all reaching up for times that they hadn't thought about before. they made me smile and love meeting them every day after school at the pool.

i had tucked all those feel good memories about coaching back somewhere in my brain over the summer, after woody decided that he didn't want me as a coach. i was never given the chance to even tell the kids why i wasn't going to be their coach anymore. i was just gone...never returned from europe. and then i saw meghan...and then becky called. and it all hit me. i miss coaching.

one day i will get back into coaching. it's something that i vow that i will do with my life. it's what i love. how could i have forgotten it? i wait for the day that i'm back on the pool deck, deck sandles on, stop watch in my hand, and a grueling set up on the white board that the kids are groaning over and wishing that they were sick that day. i can't wait.
baking frenzy

for some reason i got a huge baking kick at midnight. and that's when i wanted to be in bed. i'm making 4 loaves of banana bread and 2 batches of choc. chip cookies. except the cookies aren't turning out all that great because the baking sheet is downstairs and ivory is sleeping down there. but yeah...lots of food.

at least i'm not whipping up the homemade cinnamon rolls. maybe for this weekend.

for some reason i'm really missing eurospring right now. the people and the places. especially paris and venice. don't know why...just want to be there right now.

zach moved in today so i got to see my parents. he got lucky and got his own room. i think he's going to do great this semester. plus it will be nice to have a member of the family around. to go check on the cookies. i think i might send some of them in the mail down to the boyfriend tomorrow. we'll see.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


fifty fricken four degrees. i need a heated blanket. and i just wrapped up my fish's (versace the fish) bowl with a towel. his water is freezing and i'm pretty sure he won't make it until friday when we get fuel.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

ficken freezing cold

one lesson i have learned by living with girls over the last many years is this: never, ever touch the thermostat. someone will inevitably get crabby and start asking who touched the thermostat, and it just goes down hill from there. so i have never touched the thermostat. i'm not even sure if i know how to work one or what a good temp it is to set for in the house. i know i like my pool water temp to be at around 74...but that's it.

so last night, as i'm getting ready for bed, freezing, i notice this note taped over the thermostat from one of my roommates: do not touch the thermostat! we are dangerously low on fuel oil and are in danger of burning out the heater!

good. that's always a plus.

i was actually at an ok body temp when i went to bed last night, it didn't take too long to warm up the cocoon that i made in my bed, but getting up this morning was down right horrible. pretty sure the water at my bed side had little bits of ice floating in it. i should really go and see just what the temp is in the house...just for curiousity. i hate winter...pretty sure my cold blooded body hates winter.

how many months till summer?

(the pic up top is of me, cold and trying to preserve body heat, with about 10 blankets piled on top of me by roommie katie, and with sunglasses on...because it was sunny outside)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

back to work

well...i finally made it back to work. i was going to be in at 8 this morning, but since the last two days i slept until 2, i had a hard time sleeping last night. i ended up getting out of bed at 2 to turn on the tv and watched late night nbc until 3 when i finally decided i would have to make myself go to bed.

and when the alarm went off at 7, there was no way i was getting out of bed.

it's still holiday vacation for gosh sakes.

and gosh sakes sounds really funny...and is even funnier to type.

back to student senate webpages...once the homepage is redesigned, it will all be down hill and ten times easier from there.

workin out at 4, rec center. i suppose once zach gets here in a week, we'll have to schedule swimming dates. fun fun. i need to start lifting weights too...but we'll see how long that will last with my busy spring semester ahead of me.

gilmore girls tonight? doubt it's new. let's hope that it is.

Monday, January 02, 2006

nothing new

life in bemidji has been pretty boring lately. i was going to go into work today, even though technically we aren't allowed to, but opted to stay in bed. and that's pretty much what i have done the last 2 days. i slept until 2-3 in the afternoon. no apparent reason, wasn't really tired, there was just nothing else to do. but i'm up now and my plan in to go to the rec center for a run, then come back here and clean house. maybe do some rearranging of crap in my room, we'll see. but ivory comes home tomorrow and she doesn't need to lay eyes on my mess.

my creative side is starting to kick in. i think it's because i have all this spare time. i'm excited to actually get going on all the websites i have to create/redo, i'm thinking about pulling out the painting supplies and going crazy with that, and who knows what else i'll end up pulling out. i'm even in a baking mood. i want to make cookies...but i'll have to figure out who to redistrubute them to first. i know i don't need them all.

here's what's coming up:
-next weekend: zach moves in...which means parentals are coming up, which means free meal..haha.
-jan.10...soar. pull out the blue shirts! and my snow suit, i have to sit out in the parking lot for an hour and redirect cars. if we get done early enough (zach and i) we're going to make a trip to dl to see zerek swim.
-jan. 14...will be a good night. enough said.
-jan.21: country club christmas party
-jan.27: battle of the bands

hopefully life in bemidji will pick up. new years eve was fun, but nothing too exciting. but yeah, hope everyone had a good new years!