Thursday, September 08, 2005

sheer, utter, bordom...

which means i should find something to do. but this seems more fun at the time.

1.What is your fully name? Andrea Marlene Kroll
2. What color pants are you wearing now: blue jeans
3. What are you listening to right now: co-worker nate on the phone, answering a tech help question...other than that, silence.
4. What are the last two digits of your phone number: 65,19,25
5. What was the last thing you ate: chef salad from the union, pretty sure i have ranch breath right now
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be: cerulean blue
7. How is the weather right now: extremely nice...and i'm for some reason in a sweatshirt
8. Last person you talked on the phone: the loj
9. The first thing you notice about a guy/girl: smile
10. Do you like the person who sent this to you: of course
11. Favorite drink: i really like boring am i?
12. Favorite sports: swimming! and hockey, baseball, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, ice skating, eh, they're all cool
13. Hair color: dirty blonde...sounds like a drink
14. Eye color: baby blue
15. Do you wear contacts: all the time...and get irrritated when my eyes get irritated with my contacts, forcing me to wear my right now
16. Siblings: zach, zerek and allison...yup, we're azza
17. Favorite month: i don't have a favorite...
18. Favorite food: don't have a favorite of those either...
19. Last movie you watched: the end of forrest forrest, run!
20. Favorite day of the year: my birthday is a good one
21. Are you too shy to ask someone out? umm, heck yes
22. Summer or winter: summer
23. Hugs or kisses: Both
24. Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
28. What's under your bed: all my old art projects that i have to save, a box full of junk, shoes and some office/desk type supplies
29. What are you reading: to busy to about textbooks and emails?
30. What's on your mouse pad: dolphins :)
31. Favorite board game: i like a bunch of them
32. what did you do last night: sex party, homework, procrastinating, fixed j's printer and in bed by 11
33. Favorite Smells: boy...but not gross icky smelling boy. chlorine pools, the new vanilla stuff i got...mmmm
34. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: of all the mouth tricks i can do, that is one i cannot
35. What inspires you: so many other people...too long of list to name em all!
36. Plain or salted popcorn. both...but i do like kettle corn
37. Favorite flower: sunflowers and easter lillies...ok, and roses
38. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? i don't wanna get up
39. Do you have a crush? sure

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