Saturday, September 01, 2007

friday five


1. What’s something you suspect you regularly overpay for?

2. What’s something you suspect you regularly underpay for?
i've got nothing...everything is expensive! i sometimes think that the clearance items are still too expensive!

3. What’s taking up more of your time than it should?
Probably driving...but I enjoy it. That and i think i'm on the computer too much!

4. What’s causing you stress only because you let it?
The job hunt.

5. If all your karma were based on your positive and negative attitudes, would it be in good shape, in bad shape, or perfectly in balance?
I'm a pretty positive person, so I would say good shape but we all know that there is a little negativity everywhere, so I would guess in balance with a slight lean to the positive side:)

there's another friday five, but i don't like it as much. i guess i'll answer it when i find the questions amusing.

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