Sunday, November 06, 2005

...and stupid turns to just plain unlucky...

but maybe not in all ways. so, as you have probably already read, i locked my keys in my car. so this morning, kt and i begin the excursion to retrieve my car. it goes a little something like this:

-go to get vin number off of my dashboard of my car.
-vin number is covered by A BOOK. figures.
-grab fricken parking ticket i was told i wouldn't get by police officer becky.
-call parents. no one will be home to tell me my vin number untill 1.
-go by police station, appeal ticket. old man sheriff is super nice, no ticket to pay!
-go home. dad calls at 1 with vin number.
-call chrystler center. five dolla gets me new key.
-go to chrsyter center. nice old man there gets me a spare key for free! score! really liken old men right about now...
-go back to car, drop off kt, take off to drop off friend's car.
-kt calls, "your car is dead!!"
-back to car
-indead, it is dead
-drop off friend's car
-to house, pick up kt's car and jumper cables
-back to my car
-proceed to hook up cars the correct way and not electrocute ourselves
-we succeed! bring car home, no money spent...but time.

loooooonngg process. all because i fricken locked my keys in my car.

bar scene tonight was dull at the most, but i got to hang out with lindsi, good times.

thursday night should be school friday. jenny and i need to get drunk and dance!!

or at least that's what i'm hoping...someone else can drive this time.

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