Monday, December 04, 2006

saturday evening i went out to buy a new shirt (which it seems that this is what my life has amounted to: homework, work, and buying new shirts) with a friend. then i went home and wrestled with my hair for about an hour. it was curled, sprayed and i thought finally somewhat decent. it was nice that others noticed. at keg, the lady bouncer commented on my hair as well as the next 5 random people that i ran into. it was nice to know that an hour spent on looking good was actually noticed.

then i proceeded on with my usual saturday night: finding carly and her volleyball friends, dancing, having only 1 drink if that as i usually end up driving, and then when carly and her friends are ready to go home, i offer to drive them so that they don't have to go and find random people to drive them. one of her friends says that its my turn to get drunk next time we go out, which is something i haven't done in a long time. but when you have to worry about getting to the bars and getting home and who you have to entrust to do that duty...i would rather not drink and drive myself.

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