Wednesday, December 10, 2003

6 girls, no time

who would have thought that finding a time when 6 girls could meet would be so hard? at the house we are trying to figure out when the best time it would be to hold our christmas party and exchange gifts. they wanted to do it friday...but i'm gone at portfolio reviews until after 5:30 and tessa has pep band at 6...we both won't be back till probably after 10 and by that time lindsey has to go to bed since she has to be up at 4 in the morning to go to work. and the rest of the weekend doesn't work for her either as she has christmas with one side of her family on sunday otherwise she is working. danielle originally asked me what time i got off work on friday and i had totally forgot about the portfolio reviews and i told her i don't get off of work until 6...then she told me that tessa had to be somewhere at 6 so then she asked me to find someone else to work for me! who does that!? seriously...i actually need to live on my paycheck, unlike some other people i know. so very happy because i can finally wear my contacts more glasses! they're cute but really annoying. and yes katie...i went for 7 days with drops, 4 days without and now i can wear my contacts again!

i was thrilled today (again!) to see that i had some of my artwork on display at bridgeman hall!!! i'm soo excited, this is just wonderful for me since it means that i actually do a good job which makes all of this tedious homework much more worthwhile.

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