Monday, August 15, 2005

10 things every single girl must own

1. A fabulous photo of yourself
yup, got a couple...i first they look good but after the 43920 time looking at it, you eventually find something to pick the flab in my arms. yeah, we're talking about the pic to your left!

2. A pretty pair of heels
i'm not a heal type of girl. i'm too tall to wear heals. but i do own a pair of black ones that i like, but they're lost at the moment. possibly at the parents house? possibly. but i don't need them because the guy i kinda like right now is my height if not slightly shorter.

3. An Eminem CD
annnnnddd....i don't. but i do own a couple songs by him

4. A great pickup line... and a way to blow 'em off
nope, i'm horrible. can't say no, can't even pick em up. this may be the reason why for being single for so gosh darn long.

5. A six-pack of good bottled beer
ick. beer. gag me. i like my hard liquor!

6. Bathroom reading
ummm...don't have that either. if i need bathroom ready (which i don't) i'll bring my own in there.

7. A business card
maybe in new york where it's stylish to hand it out with your number on it instead of scrawling it onto a napkin...but please, this is northern minnesota.

8. Earplugs
don't own a pair, but trust me, there have been times when i wish i did (sleepovers with friends - "hey, can you sleep on your side and not your back!")

9. A straight male friend on your speed-dial
very few of those here, in the land of manly men (paul bunyans)

10. A condom
well...since i don't see myself getting any anytime soon, we won't worry about that for now.

yeah, so i think this should be retitled: the top 10 things a woman should own if she would like to turn her living environment into her guys crash pad. except for the pick up line and the business card...those you need first and then the rest can follow.


i've got much to tell about my weekend...and it's coming, it's coming!

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