Friday, November 05, 2004

ew, ew, ew, gross, gross, gross

you know when your sitting around with your friends, all trying to get to know one another? and you try to think of interesting questions to ask? well, this post isn't about that. but i can tell you this...when i am sitting around in this situation and someone asks, "what's the grossest thing you have ever done out of the kindness of your heart?" i can answer them with this story:

so the big habitat in our town, the town's habitat and our affiliate, has this house. the family that was living in it just up and left it. literally. everything you can possibly imagine you need to raise a child from birth to the age of 5 and 20 bags of garbage and alcohol bottles that have been sitting there all summer and then some are sitting outside this house and the neighbors are starting to complain. so the big habitat board decides that they will pay us, the little habitat to clean up the yard. so, at this time not knowing what was sitting out in their yard, thinking it was just some twigs and stuff, we agree to go and help. we sooooo did not know what was in store for us.

first of all, it took me and my car a little longer than the loj to get to the house. didn't know there was two 7th st. in btown. we eventually find it and climb on out, only to face possibly our worst nightmare.

we start on the easy stuff. the fisherprise beauty salon, the tires, the stroller that has been discolored and distorted due to the water and sun of the summer. boxes of toys and junk. the slide that goes along to the pieces of wood stacked in the back for the swing set that was never built. that was the easy stuff.

then i started on the deck. i grabbed shovels and started trying to scoop up the bags of kitchen garbage just sitting there in their deteriated garbage bags. one of my fellow habitaters was up there trying to help me with a tarp. when a concoction of extremely old ice cream and beer spilt out and we got a whiff and a look at it we both bolted for the other side of the railing not knowing if we would be able to gag back all that was about to come up. we did survive however and back to work we went, with the same senerio happening yet again with shrieking after what i think i discovered was something skinned. gross.

after we had a good bit of garbage piled on one of the tarps, the four of us each took a corner and carried it to the front where the garbage bin sat. as we were hoisting it over, i reminded myself once more why i should not be an open mouth breather - a tiny chunk of the garbage fell on the very tip of my tongue (aaaahahahahaaaaaa! ewww!) and i bolted and started spitting at the ground. at the same time that i bolted, i also left the girls with the tarp halfway over their head and when i dropped my corner, all the garbage on top fell right on top of them. meanwhile, i was in my car searching for my water and at the same time trying to keep my tongue as far from my mouth as possibly, which isn't an easy task. once i retrieved my water i start gargling and spitting at the ground while the other girls are shrieking because i left them with garbage bags and garbage juice on their heads.

ew, ew, ew, gross, gross, gross.

anyways, i survived, so did they. after some more shrieking as we didn't want to smell or have the garbage juice on us, we eventually finished it off. the yard is clean and tomorrow they're rummaging off all the stuff that was left inside. aparently loj said, that the woman who was in possesion of all of this stuff is still alive, but she won't say where. my guess is jail. nice. and the grandparents have the kids.

so yeah, went home, SHOWERED and now i'm at kt's and after some bbq chicken pizza, mt dew and some good fun and movies, i'm still at kt's on her couch, which keeps eating me (i keep falling through the cushions) and we're watching's quite the different movie.

tomorrow, itasca. i need to make a lunch.

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