Friday, November 19, 2004

my friday five

1. what did you have for breakfast this morning?
usually not much but this morning i was hungry so i ran down to the union while at work and got pizza hut cinnemon sticks, milk and cran grape juice.
2. what's your favorite breakfast meal?
i love sit down breakfasts and i love to order french toast, eggs, bacon and hash browns with oj and milk.
3. answer this: are you a grown-up (i.e.: do you drink coffee?)?
nev ah! unfortunately i'm not a grown up, i don't like coffee...the taste doesn't really appeal to me.
4. how do you like your eggs?
scrambled please...or if having fried egg sandwhiches, i'll have them fried. just not sunny side up
5. do you know the muffin man? how about the milk man? paper boy?
the muffin man i believes lives at perkins, the milk man...well he doesn't come to our house. the paper boy i do know...and i do know that the paper boy that used to work for my grandparents is hot, and a twin.

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