Wednesday, November 17, 2004


so i type up this big post, most of it pertaining to eurospring, about the people i would be traveling with (why i am and again not so happy) and the fact that i am in the process of buying all my books to go over there and then trying to keep convincing myself that i will pack a small bag and not my humongous bag as i can only bring 70 pounds and that i need to save some of those 70 pounds for souveniers for my friends and family back home.

augh. 120 days!

anyways, it didn't post. because the computer i used it on doesn't like to post my stuff. nor does it like to update other peoples blogs until i get there and then hit the refresh key. then i get an updated blog. stupid.

i did have another reason for this post...but i don't remember.

i'm super pumped for the meet this weekend. i have to get these kids hooked to the sport! i'm trying to figure out team suits and shirts and caps to pull them together and the whole team concept. and i have some great ideas as cheers at practive, doing push ups and sit ups together and doing at least one game together every week. i know the older kids enjoy the idolizing and i know the younger kids will like getting the attention from the older kids and love idolizing them. and then hopefully, we can get some more kids at meets. we also need to have a parents meeting...or maybe more. hmmm.

so excited!

***i have a bible verse i want to put here but i need to get it from z-rod***

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