Thursday, October 06, 2005

bad day

one of my close guys friends called me last night as he exited the bars, accusing me of calling him something that in no way, do i think that of him. or would have said it...well, in a sober state anyways.

apparently i did say it, but i don't remember it, because i was drunk. my roommate reminded me as i called a friend on saturday night, and well, for some reason i was drunk enough to call my friend this. and i don't remember it.

well, my friend found out and decided to include another one of our friends while he was drunk and then called me to take me out on it, while he was drunk. me, completely out of my element last night had no idea what was going on and why i would call him this and why he was accusing me of it. i pretty much started crying.

but good thing for great friends, the other 2 involved are going to talk to my mad friend tonight to get it all straightened out, even the one that shouldn't be involved. and i'm sorry that she got involved.

my mad friend told me last night that he needed time and that he would call me when he's ready...i'm starting to wonder how drunk he was, as half of what he told me last night wasn't true...however, i did call him something i found out today, and i can't hide from that, no matter how drunk i was.

i just hope that he forgives me...because it's eating me away from the inside.

last time i get drunk for a very long fact...let's give up drinking for a very long time.

o, and my car is acting up on me too...hopefully it will start tomorrow so i can take it to the chrystler center so they can rack up a huge bill for me to pay.

what did i do to deserve this??

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