Sunday, October 16, 2005

it's gotta be the people

i've always know that btown is the glorious town, know for the lake, all that jazz. but seriously, this town wouldn't be what it was to me if it wasn't for the amazing people who go here. we (bsu students...that's right, ALL OF YOU) make this place the place to be. somehow, the craziest, coolest, most wonderful people, all ended up right here in btown. i don't know how it happened but it did. so let me tell you about my weekend, and why it really is the people and not the town...starting with the design guild trip to the cities, which was one blast of a time with some fellow bsu design students.

wednesday night i got approx. 4 hours sleep. i wanted to hang with some eurospringers, so i did, and so jennie and i went and were spontaneous and went to join steph for some good times at the keg. thursday morning, i piled my stuff in the bsu van (that's right 15 seater baby), ran and got cappucino, and picked up my crew at the design guild office at 6 am. let me tell you this: i don't drink coffee. but this stuff was amazingly good. however, it took a massive toll on my system. first i went from hyper (john: "NO sudden movements!") to extremely bad. it felt like my stomach was on fire. it hurt so much. i finally had the crew pull over at hackensack and i ran inside...where my eyes went black and i thought i was going to faint. i know i had to catch my balance...i was so scared. i made it to the bathroom where i was shaking but regained my composure and sight. i don't know what was wrong. after some quick fix solutions and jenna driving for a short period of time, i was good...but weak. i did end up driving for the rest of the trip, but man...i have no idea what went wrong. we figure it was due to the fact that i don't usually drink coffee and that i had nothing else in my stomach.

thursday we went to 2 different companies. star exhibits and eight hour day. eight hour day has a dog at their office! was a lot of fun, we were all laughing at the dog's little antics. o, and if you want a good laugh, check this out: northeast falldown you'll laugh.

friday we went to 2 more companies, ham in the fridge and triangle park creative. it was good times. ham in the fridge has done some very big stuff. check out their portfolio online and you'll see (target and cartoon network). we even got to see a new game they are working on...but i can't tell you...they would have to kill me.

it was so much fun in the cities. john, jenna and i, are, i'm sure, the only people to try and pimp out a bsu 15 p van. we found some 80s rap music to blast and john provided the hydrolics. we almost got it on video.

i also enjoyed dressing up and being professional for the day. asking questions, hearing the experts give you very note worthy advise...and picking up some cool business cards...all pluses. o yes, and let's not forget our games of sardines: 16 people in one 10 seater van, 18 people in one elevator...i had a lot of fun. plus, we hit up the walker for some amazing art work (well, in some cases, not so amazing...more like, "they call that art?") and the hard rock cafe minneapolis, where i got my first hurricane and glass, and got my bbq bacon cheeseburger. let's just say after this weekend, i definetly need to go on a diet.

friday night resulted in the bars and i finally saw my hater. and yes, he still hates me. said hi to all our other eurospring friends and just ignored me. pretty crushed by that move. i had to apologize to my friends i was with however as i kept keeping my eye out for him and was pretty distracted all night. it's really been bugging me lately. i sent him an email the other day, which i'm pretty sure he has to have read as he was online the today. this is what it said:

Hi xxxxx,

I've had a lot of time to think about our 'situation' since the Wednesday night you called me up at 1 am and yelled at me. After last night, I'm not sure how much more of this ignoring I can take. So here's what I'm proposing: can we get together sometime and talk this out? I would like to hear exactly what you think and hopefully I can give you my thoughts. I'll even make you cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies, whatever you want. I just really want this to be over; I don't take people being mad at me very well. Let me know what you think and for now, here's some pictures for you to enjoy.

Have a good weekend!


i made sure to keep it short and sweet and no angry comments or accusatory sayings. he didn't send me back an email yet though...or anything. i'll keep you posted. and the pics i attached were pretty hilarious ones of the two of us goofing around. i miss those good times.

after bar on friday i ran in to friend tom and went back to his house where i hung out with chris and tom, roommates and dog sammy. it was good times...they invited me back over for more fun on saturday.

saturday was senior community clean-up day. we had good times raking extremely huge lake front properties. i definetly got my work out in. a little sore today. i was supposed to hit up the superlab on saturday and get some homework done, but of course, it didn't happen. so, hockey game (we're still sweeping! go bsu!!) happened with eurospringers and then afterwards, chris and tom's. it was quite the night. so much happened with me and the drinkers. keg, hockey party, perkins...where i think perkins was the highlight of the night with the whole hockey party there after it got busted, singing 'you've lost that lovin' feeling,' and the manager telling us to stop in a polite manner...even though, the hockey party occupied the whole place and we were all singing. it was hilarious. i even got to introduce steph to her crush, who is a bsu hockey player. let's just say she pretty much was in heaven. it was funny.

after perkins, i got chris to bed, carly was out and said goodbye to the boys...and then it was to bed for me.

and now here i sit in the superlab, waiting for renderings for projects to finish. it's great fun.

o, and aparently a blind date next weekend...should be interesting. julie's planning it. i'll keep ya posted.

and now....back to rendering.

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