Friday, February 20, 2004

friday five

When was the last time you...

1. ...went to the doctor?
today actually. i needed to get a new perscription for the eyes and i found out that i have cornia infrastructure or something like that. don't worry...i'm not going blind!...yet anyways. i can also tell you the next time i will go to the doctor. that would be next friday as i have to have my eyes checked again to see if my cornia something or another has healed. o, and that's why it looks like i'm crying all the time. case solved!

2. ...went to the dentist?
um, it's probably getting close to the 6 month mark! time to go see good ol' uncle paul at the dentist office!

3. ...filled your gas tank?
last sunday. i needed to so i could head back to bermidji. if i didn't i would still be stuck at home in egf. good thing, huh?

4. enough sleep?
sleep? what's sleep? yeah...couldn't tell you the last time. it coulda been last night (i went to bed @ 11! i think that's a record!) but i usually base it on how i feel when i get up...if i get out of bed and can't stand up and then i hit my head on my ceiling/wall, i don't consider myself awake. and yes, i do then have this weird walk to get out of my room which involves grabbing surfaces and slamming my head on the wall a couple more times. i know...i have no idea other than the fact that i'm not awake as to why i do this...

5. ...backed up your computer?
yeah....the computer geek doesn't back up her computer. i don't have time. one of these days i know i'm going to wish i had time....but we won't go worrying about that now.

via Friday Five

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