Friday, March 05, 2004

friday five and last post of the week!

What was...

1. ...your first grade teacher's name?

mrs. fleichek...i think that's how you spell pronounce it like flea and check...and then put the two together and say it really fast!

2. ...your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?

i loved my looney toons!

3. ...the name of your very first best friend?

my first best friend was britton smith. yes, the girl who has never had a boyfriend had a boy as her first best friend. we kinda grew apart after elementary school but i see him often since our families are very close. he's kinda gotten, well, stupid over the years...i don't think he makes the best choices. last i heard he wanted to buy a new truck and then file for unemployment. but yeah, i also just found out that in first grade, when we couldn't be in the same class, he cried! how sweet!

4. ...your favorite breakfast cereal?

back then i did like to eat cereal as opposed to now (ick!). i liked lucky charms, cheerios, frosted flakes and what ever else my mom bought.

5. ...your favorite thing to do after school?

well, i liked playing with friends and the other kids in the neighborhood and at the daycare...but after awhile, once i really got into swimming when i was 6 and 7, i would head off to swimming because practice started at 4 so that's what i did everyday after school!

well everyone, i'm leaving for spring break which means no posts for awhile. like a week. and i was going to post about the rest of my horendous week which did get much better but it's such a long story and it ended on a good note after i felt like punching the wall in, which i refrained from doing. it's odd...i've never really wanted to do that before...but the chili dinner for h4h put me back in a wonderful mood and then shawn started talking to me online last night! which just put me in an even better mood...until after i told him i had a shitty week and then he asked me why and so i told him....and he still didn't respond so i don't know where he went! and then msn had to shut down for maintanance! why don't they do that at a later time? hello! people are still talking at midnight!!! anyway...i'm gonna finish packing and then i'll see you all after a glorious week in okc!

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