Tuesday, March 30, 2004


squeak made that one up...superblogdom...she'll have to enlighten us with the definition at some point. i'm hoping right now that i won't have class tonight. i would rather go enjoy my time with my habitat family and the laughter that orbits them as we grace the winners of the penny drive with their rootbeer float parties. sounds much more fun to me than sitting in a cold classroom and running plate's of metal (that big booty jammed her back into) with etchings on them and covered in ink through a press. rootbeer float parties? running plates through a press? you pick. so let's all cross our fingers.....

work has been somewhat boring lately. this is about the time that i joined online services last year and i remember sitting around doing absolutely nothing. and what i am doing now? absolutely nothing. well not really. i am typing in my blog. but that's only because i'm doing absolutely nothing. i just got done helping dave larkin, one of the teachers on campus, develop one of his online classes. i'm glad i have such a high level of patience because i sat and watched him do the same thing over and over again. uploading files and creating files and putting them into his course. i'm glad he's learning but sometimes i just want to say, "here, let me do it and it'll be done by the end of the day. i promise." and then get 'er done. that simple. but i have much more respect for myself and others than that. so i sat and watched. i made one of the paper folding game thingies where you pick one of the numbers on top and .... ok, not sure how i'm going to explain it but if you know what i'm talking about, good for you! otherwise, well, sorry!

i'm excited for church tomorrow as usual. not sure who all is going along but it'll be interesting to see. they just turned off the lights in the office next to us and it makes me want to pack up and head on out of here too. i still have an hour left. if squeak was on messenger i would see if she wants to play a game to help pass my time but last i checked she was away.

i have to work on more stupid honors stuff tonight. more essays. since when did honors become hard? it used to be the easiest class i had! all you had to do was show up, sit quietly, contribute your thoughts, and leave. two hours of boredom. but nooooo. not anymore. now the teachers decided we were law students and they might as well make this hard so they can fail us all. grrrr. can't do much about it though. i'll just tough it up....5 more weeks left and it'll all be over! katie and i also have to do some work on our end project for honors. doesn't sound like it should be that bad but we still have 17 pages left to type. looking forward to that this weekend....

::::square came to the marvalous (sp?) discovery that when she says "andi and i" it's kinda like saying andi andi. great work!::::
::::squeak had a bad dream. scared her a bit. bascially she's a cold, hard baby killer! check out her odd dreams on the side bar under eeka squeak::::

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