Sunday, August 01, 2004

i know

i suck. i'll admit it. i got kind of blog lazy the last couple of days. not to mention busy. i don't even know where i left off last in my world wind life. so i'll start with last tuesday evening. the night of the bass swimming banquet.

it was all good. good food, good fun, and even an awesome turnout. then only thing that spoiled it? when my co coach and i were standing up there i asked her if she wanted to talk first and she said sure. so i quickly let her know a couple of things she should that others for, just some things on my mind. she looked at me and said, "i know andi, i am a teacher, i do this all the time." so, thinking she was kinding, i gave her one of those, ooooo, aren't we good? faces and laughed. then she said, " you know, i am older than you." in all seriousness. i'm wondering right now why i didn't slap her.

probably because i had all my kids and parents watching us, waiting for us to begin.

i realized right then and there that that whole little reason why we haven't "bonded" or at least figured out how to work together is because she thinks i'm too insignificant, too young, i don't know enough and all that jazz. well, she's got another one comming. one of these days it's going to turn around and hit her in the face. i'm not taking her crap anymore. at least she'll be gone in the fall and then we'll see what happens from there.

i have also purchased my tickets for houston online. yes, i'm making another trip back to houston! but this time it's not for habitat building's for habifam reasons. one of my fellow habifamers has ventured out there and square and i are making a trip to see her. frankly, i'm excited. it's my big trip of the summer and i can't wait! even though nate and another backed out on us keeping us from doing the whole road trippen thing ( would have been cool!) i think square and i will be able to handle ourselves on the greyhound...with pepper spray. it'll be one that i tell my grand kids anyways. we also have tickets that weekend for six flags....especially since newsboys will be there! i'm exciting is it that the one weekend that we're there, newsboys just happen to be too?! it'll be great...and all this time with booty in warm houston. i'll have tons to post about when i get back. ....i'm leaving thursday.

then this weekend i played photographer for the north dakota state swimming meet. i ran around deck with my digital snapping all sorts of photographs. when i have them online, i'll run a link from here to see them all. it wasn't the best of quality since my digital isn't the best of quality, but it will have to work. i just wish that they were a little more in focus. you have to train yourself for my camera. it's definetly not an action camera. i have to hold done the button half way and then gauge myself to be able to click a second before their head pops out of the water. so that means i have to count their breathing, focus the camera and just when i think they're going to! and sometimes it doesn't even turn out because they move so fast that it blurs. but every now and then i get a good one that turns out nice. but yeah...if it blurs and they're swimming a 50 or a 100...i've missed my chance on that shot. one day when i start getting paid for this, i'll have to save up for a really nice camera.

today i went out to the lake to see my grandparents. it's good times. we all had fun harassing each other. it was also shocking too when my grandma told me that i was getting more kudos than my older cousin, which my grandparents love...i nearly fell over. but yeah, good food, good times....and a good couple jumps in the mucky, seaweedy water.

i've also been asked to be habitat president this year. i'm kind of excited. i have so much to do for that. we also had a un official house meeting last week. we were all together and just had a different type of bonding time, late into the night. we also came up with an on going list of 60 some things of reasons why one should never leave bemidji. the next night we all got together again at greenmill where i treated friends with a gift card i received from the swim team. more good food and good friends and good fun.

life is grand.

well...if i write again this week, i guess you'll hear from me....if not, i'll have loads 'o posts to type up when i get back the following wednesday.

have a wonderful week!

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