Monday, August 30, 2004

a new school year

so here goes...start of junior year and 3 more years of wonderful bsu. i was on campus all summer and no one was here. now...there's all these people on campus. i asked kt, "where did they all come from??" her only response...the sky.

but in all actuality, it's kind of exciting to have all the students back. friends that i hadn't seen all summer are back (but i have yet to actually go over or to their respected house and see them) and it should be good to catch up. habitat will be back in full swing, although i have yet to work on it. well, i take that back. i did set up a start up date, i made pretty posters to hang around campus and i emailed tim to get a build date set up. that's all i've done. and the campus picnic and organization fair is on thursday. maybe we can figure out something wednesday night...hmmm.

of course with school coming up, you hear about everyone's latest drunken adventures. so and so got drunk and did this and did you hear what happened last night when so and so got drunk??!!! yeah. let me rant about this quick. i don't care if people, or you the reader in specific, go and get drunk. but let me get this clear: i NEVER want to hear about people drinking and driving. there is no reason for it. even if you think you are ok to drive, you're not. people usually think they are ok to drive because they are still fully conscious, still can remember things, they aren't dizzy and so on...but it's not that that is what is going to determine if you are ok to drive. when you are drunk or have been drinking, you're reaction time slows down, meaning if something darts out in front of you, the chances of you stepping on your break or swerving out of the way go down because you react slower than normal. this is what is the result of drinking and driving accidents. even if you have been drinking, be the responsible one and let someone else drive you home. if you're with friends who think they can drive home just fine and they've been drinking, take the keys away! explain to them what it means to you for them not to drink and drive and they more than likely will hand over the keys. they'll do it if they are a true friend and you'll ask for the keys if you are a true friend. i am not ready to hear about another person killed by a drinking and driving accident. you don't have to be drunk to have an alcohol related accident. so prevent the tears, grief and sadness that come with drinking and driving and take action, prevent it before it happens.

so that's my rant for the day. and it's my pledge for this year. i saw one too many times last year and this summer when people just take off to go and drop off an even drunker friend even if they have been drinking themselves. i've watched people just let their friends who have been drinking drive off and when i query as to why they let this happen they respond with, " they're old enough to know what they are doing." come on people. obviously you don't care about your friends to stop them from possibly getting in an accident. let's all grow up and take a little responsibility for our actions. get a may save some lives.

so tomorrow...or tonight...we'll see, i'm going to send in my application to walt disney imagineers. i'm excited. i hope that they choose me to come and internship but at the same time, i don't want to get my hopes up. ugh...please please please....'s to the start of tomorrow and a new school year...may you all get a's...or at least one, i'm sure some people would be happy with that.... :)

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