Wednesday, January 05, 2005


it was -30 out last night and i think it still is...even in this office. i am so cold. i don't quite have the disease my mom has as my fingers and toes don't turn blue, but my hands and toes do get ice cold.

nothing much exciting has been happening here. stuff but not drop dead exciting. two nights ago, tom and chris came to visit T and i in our igloo (it's cold at the house too) and we tried to play trivia pursuit 6, found out we suck and then watched zoolander. now that i have written that out and realized how pathetic that sounds, i want to tell you that we really are smart...but it's still break and smart people need breaks too!

i have quite the to do list these days, let me share:

-finish swim coach certifications test
-plan and organize battle of the bands
-do homework (presentation, paper) for eurospring workshop
-talk to swim suit dealer about team suits
-make swim team shirts
-re-certified in cpr
-get skinny - i'm not going to europe fat but i may come back fat

and there's more...just not as important as the rest.

i think i'm going to go and work on some eurospring stuff, maybe powerpoint presentation on something or another...i have it written down.

work is so boring...

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