Sunday, January 30, 2005

odd events

it's been one helluva weekend. one thing right after the next. let me see if i can summerize for you.

first off, battle of the bands was a blast! it went exactly as planned except for one little thing...we had so many people! we had no idea what to expect for attendance and the audience really rocked the ballroom. we had such great bands too. i couldn't have asked for a better lineup. our emcee was great also and my fellow habitaters too! they worked so hard and everything was just fantastic. we had 2 hard core bands to start out with, who did bring quite a few groupies, one particularly brought quite a few from the high school and i remember hearing lots of talk about curfews. then the next band was one that one of my co-workers played in and they were doing me a huge favor as one of my bands backed out at last second - and, guess what...they won! it was amazing. the fourth band was a school favorite, but again, they were hard christian rock (i guess they call it screamo). then the last band was just fun. they were a family band from bagley and they played some good country and us habitaters, after working so hard all day, finally got the chance to get down and boogie. it was grand.

the next morning i woke up at 6 (5 hours of sleep) and drove myself and 2 swimmers to DL. we had a pretty good swim meet there, a couple of dq's and some great time drops. my mom and sister and i drove back to gf from there were i met up with the roommies and we went to the und vs. bsu game. unfortunatly bsu lost, it was probably because i was there. we were sitting by nate but then switched over to where there were more bsu fans and the band. i wish i would have gotten to see nate a little longer, although he may tease me relentlessly, i really miss the guy. after the game we went and changed to go out dancing and went and picked up some fellow bsu-ers. the dance was ok...there were a lot of slutty people there and people were smoking all over the place. it's funny how you don't realize that your not used to being aroung smoke since in minnesota there is the smoking ban and in n.d. you can still smoke don't realize it until you're around it was really weird. the floor at this place was all over the place. when it was done i went and got my car and we were leaving and we got onto gateway when i saw the flashing lights. wondering what in the heck i did wrong i pulled over. the officer asked for my driver's license the wiseass in the backseat. aparently, one of my drunk passengers thought he was flicking off the car of some friends but actually flicked off the police officer. he was going to take the guy to jail for this but according the guy the dispatcher asked the officer what he wanted to take him in for and when the officer told him the dispatcher said "on the charge of what?" the officer let him return to my car and then proceeded to tell me that i would have had to go in too as i am responsible for my passengers. ok, i'm the d.d. i can make sure that my passengers are buckled up and get home safely, but while i'm driving, i'm not responsible for trying to keep the middle finger of one of my passengers from sticking up and pointing out the window, I'M DRIVING FOR GOD'S SAKE. unbelievable.

so then we decided to go to another party. once we do a drop off, t and i decided to go get breakfast in the morning but can't find anything open at 2 in the morning. go figure. so we drove around, went back and i decided to sleep in the car instead of going inside. i have now been up for 20 hours, i'm tired and my eyes hurt due to my dried out contacts. so i start to bring my new passengers home (we dropped off the other bsu-ers after the police incident) and they decide that they're hungery so we stop at valley dairy. while they are inside 2 guys pulled up in a car and so i rolled down my window a little bit and they told me i looked tired. if i had a speck bit more energy and nerve i would have told them how my whole night was going (including the fact that i was sore due to my fall on my parents driveway, the tiredness and the police incident) but i just told them that, yeah, i was. then they asked if i want to drink with them. yeah, right. i just told them that i was going to bed and they left. stupid kids. this may also be the reason i will never have boyfriend. i just would rather not talk to guys i don't know.

and then, finally, we make it back to my house. where i sleep hardcore. on my couch. and i wake up with a replica of the black marker design that was on my hand from the dance last night. augghhh memories.

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