Tuesday, October 12, 2004

elections suck

i hate election years. i find that everyone is turned against each other, fighting for what they believe and in the midst of it all i find myself having to watch where i step, watch what i say and just trying to watch out for everyone who may be trying to trample me over with what they have to say. i sit in the middle of all these words just trying to keep to myself. i won't say anything so i don't affend anyone. for two canidates who are trying to unite america, one big riff (rift?) has been created.

i find today's world so different from what i was taught. growing up, it was explained to me that who you vote for and who you plan to vote for is for your eyes only and no one else needs to know. how different it is today. but that's life...always changing.

i can't wait until elections are done. back to normal hopefully. sometimes i don't care who gets into office, i just want this whole thing done with, and other times, i do care. i know though that in the long run, that life will get back to normal, who ever does get into office. it usually does. it's happened so many times before in the past.

now, before i close out of this post, let me tell you that this is not a post to sit and prove me wrong or to lobby for who you are for. this is me, just explaining my feelings and if you plan to tell me wrong or who to vote for, it will not be good. but i do encourage comments, just not of the afformentioned (sp?) things.

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