Tuesday, October 12, 2004

long time, no post

i have been busy. schoolwork is kicking me in the rear end and i'm struggling to get it all done, having to take time off of work to finish it all. it would be so much easier if it was just papers to write, but when you have projects to complete there is so much more entailed. if you need supplies, you need to be available when the stores are open, which i'm usually not. school and work occupy that time which leaves me to running during my lunch hour and sometimes skipping lunch. also, i found that the new versions of the programs on the computers at the superlab don't work with my versions i have at home, which means i either have to complete a project at home or at the superlab, not both like i was accustomed to before. that also ment i could work on projects in class, and now, not so much. and then there's the fact that the time needed for these projects is endless. i have been working on a handmade book for 10+ hours now. i started it over the weekend and it's still not done. it's due tomorrow. grr. that means that tonight after chinese and andre agassi vs. andy rodick at the engalstad, i'll be at home, kickin it into high gear. then the next night it's the thanksgiving card in quark. then, finally, no class on friday! but lots of homework to be done on that three day weekend including senior community clean-up days with the habitaters.

i'm not trying to complain, but sometimes it's just....errrr! and all this activity causes a messy room and unorganization when i really need to be organized. i'm enjoying the fact that it's midterm and i only have a half midterm to go until a nice long break for me. then i will be ready to go again next fall. but this spring will have it's busy-ness. between habitat, my P.E. painting project, other projects, and possibly designing my art exhibit for my senior year, it'll be full. i want to get as much stuff done as possible so that i'm not throwing this stuff on top of my homework next year.

wow...so i just explained the next year of my life to you all. you should feel special. o, and europe in the spring and internship in the summer...which i still haven't heard from imagineers...but i need back-ups most indefinetly.

augh...home tonight for andre and andy and back tomorrow morning...sorry for the period of no posts... but busy-ness has overcome me!

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