Thursday, October 28, 2004

the cold is settling in

winter's coming and i can feel it. reluctantly, my winter coats have been pulled out of storage and my blue fleece columbia gloves are now my most worn accessory. my car is frosted over most mornings, making me even later for work in the morning as it takes a good 5 to 10 minutes to defrost my windsheild.

i'm not a big fan for the "turning to winter months." my body has to readjust to the coldness. not that it was warm this summer, but since all signs seem to be saying that i almost have to be cold-blooded, having my body go through the process of getting used to the cold is torture for me. it also doesn't help that our house probably isn't heated as of right now, although the heating man can and hooked us up. we bundle up every night to stay warm and we have even retreated to sharing blankets on the same couch. scary. well, actually, it's not that bad. it keeps you warm. we figure if we can prove come november that our heat really isn't turned on, we can sue and evetually pay our college debt off. that's hopeful wishing.

personally, i can't wait for december. by then, i'm usually used to the cold of northern minnesota by then and i can take off a couple of layers. not take it all off, but at least layers 9 and 10, which will allow for 2% more movability and my nose will become visible.

jk. maybe.

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