Thursday, June 02, 2005


so i thought i should post. pretty sure no one is even reading this any more but someone always amazes me. i finally got my eurospring homework done. it's such a relief to have it finally done. homework free for summer!

i went over to the boy's place last night and hung out. i actually hung out with them and didn't drink. wow - that basically needed to happen as i think i've had my fair share. 21 in t-minus 26 days! augh! it'll be a party.

in other news i've had plenty of chances to talk to that one guy about that one night and every chance i chicken out. don't know why. but i'm thinking maybe an email. i hate stuff like this but i know i will feel better after it happens.

swimming starts next week. 6 am wake up calls and crabby co-coaches: NOT EXCITED. but i can't wait to see my kids...or the few that are still left after the board pissed their parents off. i will miss them even more. sometimes i think it might be better if i just didn't coach. more free time and not so much stress. but i coach because i love to coach, not because i love to make the board members mad...which only happens because they make me mad. trust me, i don't get mad unless you give me a reason to be.

i was just reading other swimmers blogs who are all getting geared up for summer practice. i miss the days of summer practice, chlorine and all day at the pool. except it was indoor so that's not always so cool. what i want this summer: lots of time outside and a great tan. we'll see if that happens when you work 3 indoor jobs in the the month of june. but that's ok, it's warmer in july and august anyways.

o yeah, and also, in t minus 26 days...square comes back to the grand state of minnesota. hugs and simple green to who knows what other craziness.

anyone want to come up and visit? you should. i'll show you a good time.

but for now...back to work. computers are starting to become the devil. ick.


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