Monday, April 12, 2004

"alleluia! christ has risen!" "he has risen indeed! alleluia!

i don't know about you all but i had a fantabulous easter. it started with waking up and finding my easter basket, which was cleverly hidden in my duffle bag to go back home with me ("is this supposed to be a sign?"). then i had one of my cadburry cream eggs for breakfast, only because it was easter and i didn't have time to eat anything else. i got dressed in my khakis and a nice shirt. i think all i wear are my khakis these days...but they're so fun and i love how i look in them!

church was wonderful. we got there about 2 min. late which was a big mistake. the contemporary service is the most popular service our church puts on and our church is also the largest in grand forks (there were about 500 of us or more in that room and that was one of the 4 worships of the day) so we were waiting out in the hall for someone to find us chairs. i think we were a fire hazard all packed in there. i ended up sitting with alli in the middle of the room, zerek and my parents were up by the band and brass section and zach was over on the other side of the room by himself. my parents and zerek were a little hard of hearing afterwards with the brass section and drums right in front of them. the music was awesome though. we sang the alluleuia chorus "ah ah ah ah ah le lu-u ia!" was wonderful and loud and joyous! with all the musical instruments and all of us in our fire hazard and then our new paster, pastor deanna who puts on humourous worships lead the service. she started with asking us to be seated but to first make sure we still had a chair under us with all the shifting. then with the children's sermon she talked about how she and the children had put away and forbidden a word about a month ago, and they had hid it under the front podium (contemp. service is in our large fellowship/worship/everything room so no real pulpit in there). now that P.D. took it out, the work alleluia was all pretty and decorated because it's a loud word and we can now shout it at the top of our lungs! then during the sermon she elaborated on how we should be shouting it out and everytime she said "alleluia! christ has risen!" we had to shout make, even more joyously "he has risen indeed! alleluia!" this would happen at spurs of the moment when we were least expecting it. then she gave a wonderful sermon on what easter means to her and what it should mean to us. then we had a baptism...which i love to watch and had not experienced one in awhile. our pastoral intern, pastor stephanie, explained that back in the day, baptisms were only given on easter, which was an interesting tidbit. and then afterwards we sang jesus loves me, a great song! brings back memories. we ended the worship after communion, the lords prayer, the blessing and some jamming out to a couple of great songs. at this point all the kids go up and play with some percussion instuments adding more to our joyful song. all in all...a great, wonderful, joyful easter sunday worhip....makes you miss contemp worship at sharon lutheran!

on another plus note...i got a whole LOT of ham to bring back to midji with me...i'll be living off ham for awhile! whoohoo!

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