Sunday, April 25, 2004

it's been awhile

i know, i's been awhile since i've posted. i'm surprised no one has yelled at me to post yet. no threatening comments so far! i know square is a little disappointed in me as checking my blog has become a part of her daily routine and i haven't been keeping up to snuff. my life has been such a busy whirl of events and activities that it gets hard to actually sit down and post. plus, i've got to have the patience to sit down and post. but i think i'm ready!

so. in the last couple of days, i don't think i've ever experienced so many emotions. especially on saturday. that was a day not to forget. some things not to forget about saturday:

-bottoming out in the back of lueken's, only because it was the fastest way to go...over the curb...and it kind of got there somehow...i didn't see it commin...the sun was bright...i just wanted mcdonald's for breakfast! and all of a sudden...ooffff (thoughts running through my head: o my God, stupid!, my car!, and where did that come from?
-driving out of town for 30 min. on powerdam road...didn't realize that civilization existed out there....we couldn't find the house we were supposed to rake leaves for! (TRTMH: how much farther out can she live?, we're lost!, and greeeatt...this lady doesn't even know where she lives)
-finding her house (TRTMH: yeeeeeeeeeesssssss, we found her house!)
-at lunch time: getting joanna, going to get gas (expensive!), getting lunch for the habifam rakers, going to get pete, not finding pete, going out to the next house, not seeing the crew there who i am supposed to meet, missing my meeting because the crew was late, not being able to reach them on the cell phone, almost getting my foot bit off, running 45 min. to the other site, not finding them, passing an ambulance, thinking the worst, extrememly worried, what happened to them, scaring joanna with my worries....and then finding the crew 2 hours later, all well, and then giving them their cold lunch. (TRTMH: uh...what wasn't i thinking?)
-finishing up raking for the day (TRTMH: jump for joy!)
-having a hot guy show up and giving me a ride on his crotchrocket (read: motorcycle but not quite as authentic), cruising along at 90 miles per hour-just an awesome feeling! (TRTMH: YYYYEAAAAAHHHH!!! WOOHOOOO! life is good!)
-taking a shower, i was grundgy dirty
-almost getting killed at stamart (tesoro) gas station because of an incompetent drunk driver who almost ripped off half my car and me along with it...square and big booty also experience (TRTMH: how did he not hit me or my car????? thank GOD for watching over us!!!!)
-moving after our 5 min. shock session after almost dying (TRTMH: i am SO LUCKY)
-the movie Jersey Girl (TRTMH: awwww....i want that baby! she's so cute!)
-talking to my mom. note to self: never talk to mom with square and kelly in the background (TRTMH: can they not see i'm talking? what did my mom say? woah woah woaaahh....back up!)
-"something's gotta give" (the movie not our lives) with the habifam (TRTMH: eeewwww! old people making out! i can't watch i can't watch!)
-going to bed that night (TRTMH: aaaaaaaahhhh...sleep.)

and that's my saturday...i've got more fun stuff to post...soon anyways...maybe not tonight, but i felt i had to give you something!

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