Wednesday, April 14, 2004

the last 24 hours

here's what's been going on in my life over the last 24 hours....

-worked...which was really phone calls, no i just blog away
-went to my three hour class on printmaking. also really boring. so i actually just stayed until the demos were done because i can't stand sitting there for 3 hours.
-so i skipped out of class and went shopping! i know, not very responsible of me but i had to go shopping. i didn't have a nice outfit to wear for the wedding this weekend and i was desperate to find one - and i did! and i got rave reviews about it from my roommates was on sale! double score!
-talked to my mom in that time...i was trying to call her about the kick butt skirt i got on sale. she was calling to tell me that i had jury duty. all summer long. may to september...ick. she asked me the needed questions to fill out my form and is bringing it up on sat. so i can sign it.
-after shopping i went and traded my purse for my schoolbooks and headed over to katie's to work on the infamous, surprisingly scary as ever honors report. the paper has been written and it's been sent out for on to the powerpoint presentation... :(
-during the making of the honors paper i took a slight break at square's room and we talked over bananas (odd phrase...) that katie had given us. unfortunatley square's was a little rotten. she told me to thank katie for the rotten banana. i did...katie's face after that was priceless!
-went back and chatted with square for a little while in her room before heading back to the house
-went back to my room, typed more papers and finished scanning pictures into my computer for the habitat's so cool! i also talked to square some more...she found me my "the lord liveth" song! rock on!!! finished that at 3:15 in the morning.
-slept for 3.5 hours
-woke up, went back to bed at 7ish...woke back up at 7:40 realized i didn't care if i was late for my intro to media writing class and was late. at least i got my assignment turned in!
-worked for an hour
-went to the ultra boring and tedious class exhibit design. we're drafting an exhibit on a grid that doesn't make our design come out correctly as the grid has been drawn's completely screwed up but no one in the class wants to say anything....(i had two really great words to use in this sentence but i have completely blanked out...)
-went to lunch and had nachos and a churo for $3.49! that's a deal at the union!
-said hi to julie...didn't realize how much i missed talking to her!
-ate lunch and went back to work
-got an email from my mom...since i don't TECHNICALLY live in polk county at the moment, i'm off the hook for jury duty...yay!
-got an email from someone with the swim team...asking me to sign up for an interview time along with the "other possible coaching canidates for this summer." i thought i already had the job! i'm picking up my test book would think...i'm royally confused...i'll have to ask tonight and see what dave thinks....hmmmm....
-wrote in my back to work!

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